What does impeccable manners mean? If you describe something such as someone's behaviour or appearance as impeccable, you are emphasizing that it is perfect and has no faults. What does impeccable taste mean? perfect, with no problems or bad parts: impeccable taste/manners/credentials. What is...
Is imbecile a swear word? "Imbecile" as a concrete classification was popularized by psychologist Henry H. ... However, the term imbecile quickly passed into vernacular usage asa derogatory term. It fell out of professional use in the 20th century in favor of mental retardation. What does C ...
Judge of all things, imbecile worm of the earth, repository of truth, a sewer of uncertainty and error, the glory and the scum of the universe!’ (Pensées, 1669). William Shakespeare was equally revealing of the paradoxical true nature of the human condition when he wrote, ‘What a ...
weighty as a cloak, the ineradicable knowledge of my scandal — I am cross-eyed, dumb, an imbecile in arithmetic;in P.S. 71 Iam publicly shamed in Assembly because I am caught not singing Christmas carols;in P.S. 71 Iam repeatedly accused of deicide. But in the Park View Pharmacy,...
My dad thought he was an imbecile except he did not use such a gentle moniker. Mr. A hosted a party once in his large Victorian house in a small town in Minnesota. All families were invited. I had never been in a house quite like theirs. It had a foyer with a long woven rug ...
Towing the line is an example of a robotic, mindless, imbecile, and if there is such a thing as a “hater” you just became one by calling my entire site “garbage” just because I had a stance on some shitty overrated celebs that you and the masses don’t agree with. Remember this...
An imbecile is an extremely stupid person. The noun imbecile is usedinformally as an insult to mean "fool". Its origins are in the Latin word imbecille, "weak or feeble," and it was an official medical term for people with a specific (and low) I.Q. in the 19th and early 20th cent...