What does IANAL mean in text? What is the meaning of SEVIE in text? What does HZ mean when texting? What does YDS stand for? What is the meaning of GFYM in text? What does the abbreviation IFFY mean? What is DKDC short for? What is AMC short for?Ask...
My wife has always been iffy and left leaning and it has never been a problem until Trump. Now she is as crazy left as can be, and everything revolves around how Republicans ruin the country and so on. I was raised right and have changed my beliefs on a few things, but gun rights...
Rowena: Well, well, well…it is my fault that last week’s WAYR post did not go up and for that, I apologize. You guys missed an entire week of what we were reading because my life has been a freaking crazy rollercoaster for the last few months and I’m hoping and praying that i...