However, he noted a "subtext" to the strikes - those missiles could have a nuclear warhead strapped to the top of them. As Iran is yet to develop a successful nuclear warhead, that's not an imminent threat - but it does send a signal. So what might Israel do next? The que...
What does PTSD mean? PTSD refers to post-traumatic stress disorder. In other words, it literally means a stress disorder that follows a traumatic event. Though the exact wording may vary, almost all commonly-used PTSD definitions cite it as a mental health, emotional and/or anxiety condition ...
FBS means "F***ing Bulls**t" So now you know - FBS means "F***ing Bulls**t" - don't thank us.YW!What does FBS mean? FBS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the FBS definition is given....
EFFIN means "F***ing" So now you know - EFFIN means "F***ing" - don't thank us.YW! What does EFFIN mean? EFFIN is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the EFFIN definition is given. AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS ...
DM means "Don't Mind" or "Doesn't Matter" or "Direct Message"So now you know - DM means "Don't Mind" or "Doesn't Matter" or "Direct Message" - don't thank us. YW! What does DM mean? DM is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the DM ...
Of course, polysemous words in particular create problems for such discrete categorizations—for example,alienmay refer to a human immigrant or an extra-terrestrial creature. If our algorithm encountersalienin a document, how does it determine to which topic the word (and by extension, the docum...
I have read the documentationESP-IDF Programming Guideand the issue is not addressed there....
TF-IDF is quite useful for understanding how search engines analyze web content and identify key terms that can be associated with search queries.Does the Density of Keywords Matter for SEO? Search engines like Google have advanced algorithms that focus more on the overall relevance and quality ...
Last year, Iranian officials claimed the Fattah missile, which means "conqueror" in Farsi, travelled at 15 times the speed of sound and had a range of 870 miles.
And so far, Biden, who has long prided himself on being one of the most pro-Israeli politicians in US history, has been loath to use the leverage he does have — for instance, permanently cutting off US military supplies for Israel, a step that would have huge political re...