One flavor scale that has made a big stir recently and seems capable of achieving the same notoriety as Scoville units, if not more, is the IBU scale.
Beer 101 What's on the label? ABV? IBU? Huh?!By: Bryan Donaldson, Brewing Innovation Manager Imagine with me for a moment. You are sitting down after a long day of work, having the first beer of the evening, but your mind isn’t quite shut off yet. You don’t want to turn ...
We take quality beers and we put them on window sills. Once the photo is snapped and you’re ready to quench your thirst, we tell you a unique story about the beer we love. What’s on your sill? Drink it in.
The purpose of adding hops in an Abbey beer is mainly for balance. You want a good bitterness (around 25 to 27 IBU) to balance your Abbey beer’s flavor and not overpower the flavor or the aroma. Abbey ales aren’t IPAs. It’s almost like Abbey ales are the antithesis of IPAs. S...
When a child is born, we give him or her Africa tastiest cereal fonio. Also women who put to bed or have delivered are massaged with fonio acha. You may wondered - What do I mean when I say the child is given fonio acha grain, is that on the day of the naming ceremony fonio ...
An increase in hops does not necessarily equate to proportional increase in IBU; the solubility of alpha and iso-alpha acids into a water solution is not a linear correlation to pounds used. You risk running into highly vegetal character that doesn’t fit with the style. For this reason, ...
A Rauchbier has a smoky flavor not solely because of the malt or grains used. Rather, it’s how brewers kiln the malt that delivers the final smoky aspect of the beer. Now, you might be wondering… Does that mean all the beer at the time had the same smoky flavor? Not quite. Becau...
Another important difference is the hoppy presence in a Maibock. Traditional Bocks don’t have a hoppy presence at all. Not to mention,a Maibock will have a higher IBUthan a traditional Bock too. What Does Maibock Mean? To understand what a Maibock means, here’s a quick breakdown of ...
In fact, if you didn’t know what a NEIPA was and it was served beside orange juice, you probably wouldn’t know the difference! How Much ABV Does a New England IPA Have? Just because it’s fruity and juicy, doesn’t mean NEIPAs are low in alcohol. In fact, a NEIPA has a hig...