What forms when calcium metal and hydrochloric acid react? What is the conjugate acid of H2PO4-? Why is fluorine so reactive? What is the conjugate acid of HSO4-? What elements is bleach made of? Why is francium so rare? How does an alkali form?
What does a weak acid do in water? What properties do all compounds have? What are some physical properties of a malleable metal? What are the physical properties of tap water? What is the definition of chemical property? What are the properties of ionic bonds?
Question: What is HCl gas? Answer and Explanation:1 Chemical compounds are created when two or more chemical elements bond together. Each chemical compound has a specific chemical formula. For example,... Learn more about this topic: Hydrochloric Acid | HCl Formula, Chemical Properties & Uses ...
When aluminum, Al, metal is dipped in an aqueous solution of Hydrochloric acid, HCl, hydrogen gas, H_2, is produced with the formation of aluminum chloride, AlCl_3, solution. Write the balanced chemical equation showing the phases of reactants and product ...
Potassium hydroxide is used to clean industrial equipment. 8 Noncaustic An acidic but noncaustic liquid used widely in cooking and cleaning. Vinegar effectively removes odors and stains in laundry. 7 Caustic A powerful caustic acid used in metal processing and cleaning. Hydrochloric acid is used to...
Strong acids like hydrochloric or sulfuric acid are used for pickling, while milder acids like nitric or citric acid are used for passivation. 6 How do you know if a metal needs pickling or passivation? The need is determined by the metal's condition and the intended use; heavily corroded ...
Rather than see every single question as its own task, isolated from everything else, you will do much better to look for patterns in the things you do. DaleyAnswered Jan 10 2022 When hydrochloric acid reacts with any carbonates/hydrogen carbonates the products formed are metal chloride , wat...
How Does a pH Electrode Work? A distinction is made between hydrogen, metal (e.g. antimony), and glass potentiometric electrodes, with the glass pH electrode being the most commonly used pH sensor. For more details on the hydrogen and metal electrodes, check out the YSI pH Handbook!
What Does Carbonated Water Do to Your Body? 40 related questions found What is produced when NaHCO3 is heated? Sodium hydrogen carbonate (also known as sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda) has the chemical formula NaHCO3. When it is heated above about 80°C it begins to break down, ...
It is quite dangerous and very tedious if you need electrolysis to prepare some of the gas.Another, much easier way is to add copper wire to concentrated hydrochloric acid and add in some 30% H2O2, very slowly. The copper first dissolves quickly and the liquid becomes green. Lateron, the...