It's been driving you all crazy! You've been texting, calling and even stopping us in the street to take a guess. And no, Googling it will get you nowhere. It came from our actual brains! It's worth a minimum of €250 with €50 added each day its not guessed correctly. Full ter...
I worked all morning in a hyper-focused zone. Then when my eyes started to twitch from too much staring at a screen, I walked to the nearby beach to unwind. I tried meditating for 20 minutes and… holy hell! I swear to God at a certain point I felt high. Amazing. The First Negati...
You have to give it all up, to be able to like to drink enough water to hydrate yourself. We're a nation of dehydrated people. When you're dehydrated, your body loses its sense of thirst. Your only symptom is a dry mouth in the morning. Also, if i allow pops back into my life...
Hi I get this muscle twitch over and over as soon as I get to sleep and catch a glimps of dream material, it can last for houres over and over and I get fed up and get up with no sleep under my belt.I do have a history of panic and anxiety problems and maybe this is a bi...