What Does HYD Mean in a Text?home▸search h▸HYDThe Quick Answer HYD means "How You Doing?". More Observations... The abbreviation HYD is used as a form of greeting and is equivalent to asking "How are you?" For example:
So now you know - YUSH means "Yes" - don't thank us. YW! What does YUSH mean? YUSH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the YUSH definition is given. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3...
What does FBF mean? FBF - InternetSlang.com The slang word / acronym / abbreviation FBF Trending Now Top Ten most popular slang look ups today 1.KKKK2.HYD3.RAWL 4.WWWY5.CIB6.FF5 7.WNWY8.DOF9.HBY 50 More Top Terms... This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the...
What does L2P mean? L2P - InternetSlang.com The slang word / acronym / abbreviation L2P Trending Now Top Ten most popular slang look ups today 1.JICYDK2.FF53.DOF 4.WNWY5.XLNT6.HYD 7.FLURGE8.KFC9.HBY 50 More Top Terms......
What doeswsgmean? Wsgis an acronym that stands for “What’s good?” Wsgis used as a shorthand for the phrase “What’s good?” to ask other people how their life is going. You might also ask “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?”Wsghas the same meaning as “What’s good?
Like XOXOand otherReddit slang,NSFWis essentially anacronym:it means “not suitable for work” or, occasionally, “not safe for work” – either way, you get the idea. What Does SMH Mean? What Does The Term “Yeet” Mean? A Quick Definition… ...
What does WAYD mean? WAYD is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word which means “What Are You Doing?”. It is used during chats and online conversations on forums, social networking sites and chat rooms. The Meaning of WAYD WAYD means “What Are You Doing?”. ...
You might have seen this term being used online. But what does IG mean and how do you use it correctly? Let’s find out… In a world chock-full of internet-born slang words and abbreviations, things can get confusing quickly. There are just so many slang words and acronyms around these...
What Does HDYD Mean in a Text?home▸search h▸HDYDThe Quick Answer HDYD means "How Do You Do?". More Observations... The expression "How Do You Do?" is an old-fashioned greeting used in formal situations, usually when meeting someone for the first time. Informal variations used ...
HYD 3. FLURGE 4. DOF 5. WNWY 6. FF5 7. JICYDK 8. GV 9. XLNT 50 More Top Terms...What does MERP mean?This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of MERP (MERP acronym/abbreviation/slang word). ...