Product copy is so important that there’s a role dedicated to writing it: the UX writer. In this post, you’ll learn what UX writing is, what UX writers actually create (and how), and what a UX writer does day-to-day. What is UX writing? UX writing is the practice of creat...
“In my experience, these tools are extremely informative when determining how to niche. Take the time, and understand the opportunity or lack thereof with your new target,” says Lori Highby of Keystone Click. Highby says as her team niches further i...
even if not in a material sense. As for security, that depends on what you mean. Its not going to make the data layer any more secure than its already designed to be, its not going to make the application more secure either. One thing it will do ( depending on how you design it ...
Artificial insemination consists of introducing a capacitated semen sample into the uterus. It is a simple process and its price is 1000$-2500$, difference due to the fertility clinic and the origin of the sperm.
In spite of some slight differences in wording, the idea is approximately the same: something that was previously "public" becomes "private", often in an improper way. How does this relate to higher education? While some might argue that these definitions apply to public universities only and ...
Transparency International (TI), an NGO working on corruption worldwide, commonly defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.” In higher education, however, corruption also encompasses “the lack of academic...
What does ‘span’ do in HTML? So, what does the span class HTML achieve? Remember: On its own, atag will not impact how the page renders. The reasontags are so powerful is that they let us assign any global HTML attribute to a section of text or other inline page content. The mo...
Does this mean you should only use one channel to communicate with buyers so all your information lives in one place? Of course not. You should engage buyers however they want, andmost crave an omni-channel experience. (And for your benefit, ...
Product copy is so important that there’s a role dedicated to writing it: the UX writer. In this post, you’ll learn what UX writing is, what UX writers actually create (and how), and what a UX writer does day-to-day. What is UX writing?
What does ‘span’ do in HTML? So, what does the span class HTML achieve? Remember: On its own, a tag will not impact how the page renders. The reason tags are so powerful is that they let us assign any global HTML attribute to a section of text or other inline page content...