What does Bazenga mean? "Bazenga- (Noun) [ ba-ze-nga ] Meaning :Father (Dad)Use : Na nywaku breko na bazenga = I'm having breakfast with my father. What does Kuwakunywa meaning? Youth. Kuwakunywa meanskuvutia madem, says Alfred Mutua, a comrade from Tseikuru. He further divul...
Learn what bounce is, what it does, and have at least 1 wedge with a lot more bounce than your other wedges. 6 degrees is low, 16 is high. Typically a sand wedge has 14 or 16 degrees bounce, so if your Wilson set includes a sand, as you say, it prob. has the big bounce. No...
He does ask if she’s worried about him, and she says she is, of course. Young-joon wants to know if she’s saying that as Secretary Kim, or Kim Mi-so. Mi-so nervously asks what he means, but they’re interrupted by the applicant for the secretarial position. Young-joon says he...
the problem is we see the alternatives as worse, Europe talks and does nothing, it’s largely ineffective at anything outside it’s borders and usually it has the French trying to do everything the wrong way and while we would like a unified european foreign policy...
but their Dear Leader is not exactly Mr. Policy Wonk. There is no actual core ideology of Trumpism, it mostly consists of his own spleen-venting. At least the Tea Partiers had some concrete political positions they all rallied around -- the MAGA faction really does not. Which is a recipe...
So ladies (and the four gentlemen who read this blog), take heart: ghosting is real, yes, and it is shitty, but it doesn’t mean you should lose any self-respect, nor does it mean you should lose faith in dating. When someone ghosts, they’re making it very easy for you to see...
The comparison of cases indicates that a single institutional factor observed in isolation does not explain much variation in local government decisions regarding infrastructures. In fact, the evidence points out that staff increase or improvements in internal organization by themselves do not always lead...
During my 20's more than one friend, when discussing my non-existant romantic life, said "well so what if you get rejected, you won't know till you try, at the end of the day what does it matter if a random woman you barely know turns out not to like you?" and...