In what way does Judaism differ from Islam? Difference between types of Christianity What is the difference between Paganism and Christianity? Why is the Hijrah important and how is it a major distinction between Christianity and Islam? What is the difference between Jewish and Christian beliefs?
- Does Jesus' (peace be upon him) Return Mean That Muhammad (peace be upon him) Is Not The Final Prophet? to the Refuting Miscellaneous Arguments section. November 13, 2009: Today I added the following article... - Examining C.S. Lewis' Trilemma to the General Articles on Christianity ...
In what way does Judaism differ from Islam? Difference between types of Christianity What is the difference between Paganism and Christianity? What is the difference between Jewish and Christian beliefs? Why is the Hijrah important and how is it a major distinction between Christianity and Islam?
The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, is depicted through extremely polar interpretations. Some perceive his life as a source for peace-making societies, whereas others portray him as a “warmonger” or “Prophet of the sword”, and use his examples to justify