You can find these settings in the admin console in Devices > Manage devices > Configuration > Create > New Policy. Set Platform to Android Enterprise and then in the Personally-Owned Work Profile section, select Wi-Fi and select the Create button....
Regression is a simple, common, and highly useful data analysis technique, often colloquially referred to as "fitting a line." In its simplest form, regression fits a straight line between a one variable (feature) and another (label). In more complicated forms, regression can find non-linear...
The normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve where data clusters symmetrically around the mean, useful in statistics and natural phenomena modeling.
Recent studies suggest that arthropod diversity in German forests is declining. Currently, different national programs are being developed to monitor arthr
Despite the real-world monitoring and verification challenges, policy interest in soil carbon is rising rapidly, due in part to net zero climate goals. Net zero targets mean that some amount of remaining emissions are balanced by removing carbon from the atmosphere. However, the majority of net ...
The thin soil layer and steep-slope terrain would promote the transports of nutrients from pasture soils into channels. Also, N and P on the Tibetan Plateau exist mostly in organic form with a weak mineralization intensity, which could limit herbage productivity (Zhao and Zhou, 1999). So far...
‘vascular asymmetric appendicular structure initiated at the shoot apical meristem’. This definition is applicable to all vascular plants, but does not hold true for bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) as they lack a well-defined system of vascular tissue [1]. In fact, the leaf-...
Underlying these challenges, were those relating to modelling interactions within systems in general, e.g. “The application of fertilisers and its effects is highly complex, for example interactions in the soil and in relation to climate change”, with adaptation adding further complexity “...
(WSG84: 34.6307 °E, 30.8810 °N; < 100 mm mean annual precipitation) where the few trees growing are confined to wadi beds; (2) archaeozoological evidence suggests a high proportion of sheep/goats (Marom et al.2019); (3) sheep/goat dung pellets were evident during excavation (...
Across all vineyards we found 84 wild bee species with a mean abundance (±SD) of 29 (±16.6). Forage availability had the strongest positive effect on wild bee diversity and abundance. In comparison to no tillage, alternating tillage slightly increased wild bee diversity and abundance. Eusocial...