Biomarker testing in non-small cell lung cancer in routine care: Analysis of the first 3,717 patients in the German prospective, observational, nation-wide CRISP Registry (AIO-TRK-0315). Lung Cancer 2021, 152, 174–184. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Liu, S.-Y.; Sun, H.; ...
The most important urban green space criteria per activity were also calculated based on percentages (survey 2), whereby the importance of the green space criteria per activity were compared based on their mean values (survey 3). To analyze to what extent our results from the surveys are also...
as well as working in the private sector, in the German federal ministry of economics, at a geological survey, and engaged in teaching and supervising research at a university, I draw a number of conclusions about the following aspects of the fields: development of long-term prices, the long...
In the first NDP (1963–1967) emigration was the major concern, expecting to thereby reduce population pressure and poverty. In the second and third NDP (1968–1978) migration policy was linked to more than one political concern; emigration (labour export) was increasingly promoted to also procu...