Medicinescan help decrease pain and swelling, and soften your bowel movement. The medicine may be a pill, pad, cream, or ointment. Proceduresmay be used to shrink or remove your hemorrhoid. Examples include rubber-band ligation, sclerotherapy, and infrared coagulation, also called photocoagulation....
Try an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or suppository with hydrocortisone to treat hemorrhoids. Take a warm shower or place a warm washcloth over your breastto ease engorgement pain. Although pain is normal for someone recovering from a perineal tear, it’s not typical to have disabling or in...
If you suspect internal or external hemorrhoids, then see my hemorrhoid remedy, HemorrHeal, for relief. If bleeding is moderate to severe and occurs several times a day (often accompanied by loose stools) then you need to get my comprehensive book of treatments (over 500 pages), Listen To ...
one will be able to save from expensive treatments and surgery fees. Overall, Holly's Hemorrhoid Miracle course is definitely not a scam and something that all hemorrhoid sufferers should consider obtaining.