What is positivism in philosophy? What is Plato's ontology? What does it mean to be virtuous in philosophy? What Hellenistic philosophy preached human connections? What is naturalism in philosophy? What is Greek rationalism? What is scientism in philosophy?
What is 'victory' in Greek? What were Greek theatre masks called? What does Antigone love? What is important about the Hellenistic Period? What were the Greek muses known for? What does 'Hellas' mean in Greek? What is the difference between drama and melodrama?
What does Pelike mean in Greek? A pelike (Ancient Greek: πελίκη) isa one-piece ceramic container similar to an amphora. ... Pelikes are often intricately painted, usually depicting a scene involving people. What period was black figure pottery? Black figure pottery was a pottery p...
What does Aegean mean? Regional Names: Sometimes regions of the world are nicknamed according to a nearby water feature. For example, we refer to 'the Caribbean' or the 'South Pacific' when we are referring to the islands and lands in those waters. ...
The phrase “in beginning,” indicates a process. That means creation could have been an aspect of the process. I briefly touched upon the Hebrew word rê’shı̂yth, but what about the Greek word for beginning, the place where we started? “In the beginning.” In Greek, the wo...
A Hellenistic personification of the soul as female, or sometimes as a butterfly. The allegory of Psyche's love for Cupid is told in The Golden Ass by Apuleius. Mental Relating to disorders of the mind A mental hospital Psyche Variant spelling of psych Mental Of or relating to the mind Me...
There is the possibility that Alexander destroyed the Avesta, which is to be understood as a symbolic of Iranian religion. Despite all the religious resistance the conditions in Iran in the Hellenistic period were different from what would be expected. ...
“Have a good look at [the patient’s] affluence and means, sometimes treating gratis…” That admonition addressed to physicians is in the “Precepts,” part of the corpus of literature expressing the ideas and ideals of the Hippocratic tradition.Footnote1Physicians were praised in Hellenistic in...
Question: What was the Neolithic religion? The Neolithic Era: The Neolithic Era (from the Greek for "new stone age") was the most recent era in the larger Stone Age, following the Mesolithic ("middle stone age") and preceding the Copper and Bronze Ages. The Neolithic began with the deve...
If it’s a given that the Bible means something to us as a culture, as individuals, then have we not already prematurely answered the question ‘what is the Bible?’ with the response appropriate to ‘what does the Bible mean?’ Could, in fact, what the Bible means to a particular ind...