Sex differences in the association of endogenous sex hormone levels and glucose tolerance status in older men and women Some evidence suggests an inverse association between type 2 diabetes and androgens in men and a positive association between type 2 diabetes and androgens......
某男,38岁,发热伴纳差、乏力、腹胀10天,尿色加深呈茶色3天。查体:巩膜黄染,肝脾肋下可触及。血WBC6.4×10^9/L,N53%,L40%,M7%,ALT450U/L,血清总胆红质65.7mmol/L,直接胆红素51.4mmol/L,抗HBsAg(+),抗HCV(一),抗HAV-IgM(+),下列哪种诊断是最恰当的 ...
The availability of assays for quantification of HBV DNA and HBsAg has resulted in a surge of research redefining the natural history of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and the effects of specific antiviral therapy on levels of these viral markers. Assessment of on-treatment changes in HBsAg titre has...
相关规定,不具备条件的单位采用过渡模式,抢修人员到达故障现场后()内向本单位调控中心反馈,暂由调控中心在5分钟内将到达现场时间录入系统,抢修完毕后5分钟内抢修人员向本单位调控中心反馈结果,暂由调控中心在 30 分钟内完成填单、回复工作。国网客服中心应在接到回复工单后 24 小时内回访客户。
下列落实精准扶贫政策,促进黎族少数民族发展的建议中,合理的是( ) ①特色农产品香蕉、甘蔗等进行深加工,提高产品附加值 ②加大矿产资源开发力度,加快少数民族地区经济增收 ③加大资金投入力度,大力发展高新技术产业 ④充分利用自然和文化特色,积极发展旅游业 ...
Human drivers become easily distracted or tired while driving.