If during a thyroidectomy, the parathyroid glands are also removed, what does this mean for the...Question:If during a thyroidectomy, the parathyroid glands are also removed, what does this mean for the patient?Thyroidectomy:The removal of the entire thyroid gland...
With an estimated incidence of 62,980 new cases in 2014, thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States.1 Although sonography and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) will define the majority of thyroid nodules as either benign or malignant, 15 to 30 per cent of aspirations...
Brito and colleagues[31]also have observed that many patients may not be psychologically prepared to accept active surveillance, knowing that they carry a diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Finally, Dr Tuttle noted that "a lack of aggressiveness in patients who would benefit from surgery" owing to over...
Arriving at the medical facility on the day of your thyroid ablation operation will be your first step toward the procedure. It’s possible that you’ll be asked to change into a hospital gown and given an IV line so that medications and fluids may be given to you. You may need to tak...
” The doctor, one who clearly has a very high opinion of herself, responded, “yes!” This went back and forth for over five minutes with me sitting in the corner trying not to gastrically explode. I mean seriously if the doctor thought mom was having a heart attack, why would she ...
Susan Jones is a 27-year-old schoolteacher who had a routine Pap smear last week as part of a routine pelvic examination. The Pap smear was reported as showing atypical cells. What does this mean and what should she do now? What types of cancer have the best prognosis? What types of ...
While multiple sclerosis is not hereditary, genetics are believed to play a role. In the U.S., the chances of developing MS are one in 750. Having a first-degree relative (parent, sibling) increases the risk to up to 5%. An identical twin of someone with MS has a 25% chance of bei...
When you look in the mirror, does it look like your eyes are bugging out? Not only is this disturbing, but you might actually have what doctors call exophthalmos, a condition that may very well bea symptom of Graves' disease, a fancy name for an over-active thyroid. ...
I am 51 and I have not had a period in nine months and it came on this week. The cramps have been very intense as is the bleeding. It flows like urine when I go to the bathroom but it is blood and some clots. Is this normal or should I be concerned?
has one very blue eye and one very dark brown eye. She also has one deformed finger. It is a possibility that she is a chimera, and the two different colored eyes are a result of one set of the DNA having the blue eyed trait, and the other set of DNA having the brown eyed trait...