Haru is a Japanese word that means "spring (season)". Haru is also a Korean word that means "day" in Korean. What does hodaka mean? Hodaka was a joint Japanese and American company that manufactured motorcycles from 1964 to 1978. ... The name Hodaka comes from a mountain near the fact...
ORDINARY JAE-HWA (Drama Special): KBS does its year end one part drama specials. It is usually a show case for young actors, writers and directors. In this special, Kwak Sun-Young plays the lead role of Jae-Hwa, a young woman who has personality troubles; she is always seems to be ...
Two kids later, let me tell you, that scene of Heidi sitting in the dark with the baby is SO REAL. I mean, I even have a really present husband, but with my first there were times when I would sit and cry and hope that ANYONE would come save me. The depictions of new ...
Man to Man:This plot sure does zip along. It’s a good thing in general, although I’m going to miss the undercover romance days. I wouldn’t have minded a few more weeks of faux boyfriend hijinks—I get that it would cause everyone more pain down the line, but isn’t that kind...
I mean, it’s just having seen dad and others struggle with it, I knew what to look for, and created for myself a “map” to see what’s real and what isn’t. DJ Drummond says: June 23, 2021 at 3:53 pm It does make me wonder how much of your depression (or your dad’s...
I don’t mean to pry, but if you are willing to share your occupation, vocation, etc., I think it would be really neat to read about it… I can tell you that 60+% of you live abroad, and that on a daily basis, I have readers logging in from at least 75! countries around the...
How much can a city change in ten years? If it’s physical appearance we’re talking about, unless it is Dubai, Singapore or places in China, the changes – notably the skyline – in most cities are usually not too palpable. But how much can a heart change in the same period of ti...
Are Haru and Dan-oh even a proper loveline in this universe or will they have to sneak around behind the scenes again? quirkycase ADVERTISEMENT Catch the Ghost: I’m getting whiplash from all the twists they’re putting us through. I like a good twist as much as the next person, but...
If Eun Ho was pretending to be asleep, it really opens up a lot of possibilities aside from the one where he is implicated in the church’s crimes. How much does he know, more importantly, how much does he think he knows about the whole truth? If all of his info comes from Ki Ho...
Introverted Boss:This show still seems wobbly on its feet, even though there are elements that interest me enough to keep watching. The directorial style is so similar toOh Hae-young Againthat I like the show most when it deviates in any way and does something new—my favorite parts are ...