The Two Sessions is an annual event that offers the world a glimpse of China's big picture. 今年的政府工作报告中提出,提升提升外籍人员来华工作、学习、旅游便利度。闪电新闻《闪电Talk》栏目邀请来自乌兹别克斯坦、巴基斯坦的留学生Iroda和Hamza Yaqoob,聊聊两会,分享他们在山东工作、生活的感受>> This year...
Giving all the credit to oneself.You have couples talking about how much they do for their partner. “I have done so much for him. But he does not deserve it. He is just not good enough for me“. They do not care about their partner.Narcissistic people in a relationship can be cold...
What does gaming have to do with the metaverse? Many associate gaming with metaverse, for good reason. Gaming fuels theso-called “proto-metaverse,” the metaverse that exists today. With three billion users globally and a total value of more than $200 billion, thegaming sector eclipsesthe ...
They’re managing to convince idiots that getting rid of human rights is about terrorists, when there are already exceptions against national security. That’s why Abu Hamza failed in his case. It’s only about taking away rights from the majority. Look at how the Tories tried to ...
If a person wants or needs to make a change in their life, they do not enclose themselves in a pod and emerge next spring (I suppose some might) — more likely they remain in their human form as they change.People use cicadas to symbolize their own personal transformation, in art, ...
All of this is just HTML and CSS — hidden inside of a shadow DOM subtree. To borrow a verse from thatmagnetic meme duo, “how does it work?” To build a better mental model, let’s pretend we have a way topokeat it with Javascript. Given this simple page: ...
Hamza, an invalidated 23-year-old male, had also been worried about giving the sample because of the risk of terrorist acts: “A lot of people are into anything for the money. And then they go into terrorist acts.” He elaborated that: “The needle they use, you know... There could...