The phrase “in beginning,” indicates a process. That means creation could have been an aspect of the process. I briefly touched upon the Hebrew word rê’shı̂yth, but what about the Greek word for beginning, the place where we started? “In the beginning.” In Greek, the wo...
Within weeks, I was neck deep in a local ad-hoc organization since we decided that our congregation did not have enough resources to sponsor refugees. By sponsorship, I mean that everything to assist a family or two of Vietnamese refugees over their first months or years in the US would...
900 likes and more than 3,400 shares as of Tuesday. “I’ve never known a roadside bomb to jump onto the windscreen of a vehicle clearly marked as aid workers. It’s incredible Hamas can do this without any air strike capacity. (They’re mocking us).”...
For this reason, Yom and Lustick said, “Chofshi b’ar-tzeinu,” Hebrew for “free in our own land” is included in Israel’s national anthem, while “horra min al-nahr ila al-ba’har,” Arabic for “free from the river to the sea” has become a popular slogan for pro-Palestini...
does not mean something hidden or secret, but something that was previously unknown but now revealed by God. We note this by hindsight, how the Scriptures in the Tanakh and the Torah reveal these things to us, but only after having the revelation of God in the NT text do we see an...
For them it does not matter than 50 years before modern Zionism, Jews of the region were begging the French and British for protection from Islamic persecution. Nor is it relevant that anti-Jewish laws were set in place throughout the area. The revisionists just airbrushed all this out of...
(Hebrew does not have a Z in its alphabet, therefore I am simply transliterating it with the letter tsade (צ) which is closer to the ‘ts’ sound of Hebrew, rather than the z as in zebra.) Therefore, the USHMM commemorates something which is not actually a integral part of American...
What he does is to adopt Arthur Schopenhauer’s idea, which was written in “The Art of Being Right: 38 Ways to Win an Argument”, even when there is no argument, as is the case with Stephen Bellamy. All one needs to do, is to put one’s opponent into some “odious” category ...