Signatories of theParis Agreementpledged to keep the mean temperature rise well below 2oC, and ideally limit it to 1.5oC. However, theIPCC Climate Change 2023: Synthesis reportshows that the 1.5oC limit is likely to be breached in the 2030s, unless current emissions ar...
for your convenience, we’ve decided to include some acceptable alternative refrigerant options for the residential air conditioning, retail food, and industrial process end uses. (Keep in mind that “alternative” or “replacement” refrigerant does not mean it can be used to...
(A gas such as CH4 has a different Global Warming Potential (GWP) from CO2, based on its heat-trapping ability and lifetime in the atmosphere; the number graphed here is the estimated amount of CO2 equivalent to that of all GHGs emitted, based on GWP calculations for various gases such a...