In this article, you can find out what the microbiome is and what it does, why it’s important for your health, and how the foods you eat shape your unique microbiome. Fast facts on the gut microbiome: Your gut microbiome is the collection of all the genetic material from the microbes ...
What Was First, Obesity or Inflammatory Bowel Disease? What Does the Gut Microbiota Have to Do with It?doi:10.3390/NU12103073Sara Jarmakiewicz-CzajaAneta SokalRafa FilipMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
What does a microbiome test tell you? There are many types of gut health tests available, and not all of them provide the same results. Some tests can tell you the overall diversity of the gut bacteria, since a more diverse microbiome is often — but not always — a sign of good gut...
We do know, however, that the bacteria in our gut produce essential vitamins, amino acids and hormones, as well as helping to balance blood sugar, regulate appetite and protect other vital organs such as the brain and heart. Studies are also showing that some gut microbes are more common in...
Theory of GMB involvement in AD. Environmental factors, such as diet, sleep, and exercise and the development of AD due to genetics contribute to an inflammatory environment in the gut microbiota, which leads to changes in composition and diversity over time. Changes in the gut microbiota influen...
Theory of GMB involvement in AD. Environmental factors, such as diet, sleep, and exercise and the development of AD due to genetics contribute to an inflammatory environment in the gut microbiota, which leads to changes in composition and diversity over time. Changes in the gut microbiota influen...
The idea that alterations in gut-microbiome-brain axis (GUMBA)-mediated communication play a crucial role in human brain disorders like autism remains a topic of intensive research in various labs. Gastrointestinal issues are a common comorbidity in pati
However we also know that people do change their diet in an effort to ameliorate symptoms – so is it changes to gut function in IBS or changes in the diet resulting in microbiota changes in the large bowel? There is still some uncertainty needing further research with this...
How Does the Gut Microbiome Influence Behavior? Various studies, such asonefrom the University of Oxford, have linked specific gut microbes topersonalitytraits and emotional states. Thegut-brain axis, a bidirectional communication system between the gut and the brain, serv...
Kordich promoted the concept that juicing could detoxify your body. But detoxing isn’t really a thing that diets can do. That’s up to your liver, which does a terrific job of it. Arecent studyfrom Northwestern University brings some sobering news about juicing. The researchers found that ...