But,as a better example, we read of the wrath of God, or the anger of God, and all of these anthropomorphic things that we know can not be attributed in a strict literal sense to God, because that would mean God would have a defect. Remember, God is pure actuality. He is. And it...
What does forgiveness mean to God? Forgiveness itself is defined asthe letting go of sin. In the Bible, this includes forgiving everyone, every time, of everything, as an act of obedience and gratefulness to God. It acknowledges the sacrifice God made through His Son Jesus who died to rest...
What does charity mean in the Bible? Charity, in Christian thought,the highest form of love, signifying the reciprocal love between God and man that is made manifest in unselfish love of one's fellow men. ... Paul's classical description of charity is found in the New Testament (I Cor....
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce?- Divorce is mentioned several times in the Old and New Testament, as God hates divorce, and there are very few exceptions where divorce is allowed in Scripture. God created marriage and intended it to be good for us. When sin entered, so did the ...
But why does Moses’ libido matter? Well, metaphorically speaking, the idea that’s communicated is that in order to break a cycle of oppression, you have to pass your freedom onto your offspring. Want to see all full key ideas from What Is the Bible?? Show Create account orSign up...
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ...
The Bible says He has reserved judgement for the final judgement day... And when you think about it most of the storms hit the "Bible belt." John 10:10 is clear. These things destroy, so where are they from? God Does Not hate homosexuals!
With God, the question might be more like: Why bother? What does a conception of God do for us? Well, the most important issue is what the gods were always for, and that was meaning. And the fundamental part of meaning is, in Greek terms, the Good and the Beautiful. I have ...
4 You are not faithful to God. Don’t you know that to be a friend of the world is to hate God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5 Don’t you know what Scripture says? The spirit that God caused to live in us wants us to belong only...
We live in a time where the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, current possibilities of economic and societal collapse, and crime have people buying guns and ammunition in large quantities for self protection. What does the Bible say about that? What does the Bible say about so-called "assault we...