What does PLOS mean? PLOS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the PLOS definition is given. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other Other terms relating to 'parents': · @@@...
What does OTT mean? OTT is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the OTT definition is given. Other terms relating to 'over': ·BANDWIDTHAmount of data through an interface over time ·BOSBoyfriend Over Shoulder ...
(poker slang) A community card (usually the turn or the river) which does not improve a player's hand. The two of clubs was a complete brick on the river. Brick The colour brick red. Brick (slang) A kilogram of cocaine. Brick Extremely cold. Brick (transitive) To build, line, or ...
The comedy is very bleak indeed. Thackeray found his society as money grubbing & unfair as did Dickens. He decided to portray its evils with mean hearted characters, sillies & hypocrites & then to mock them sarcastically & piteously. Do you think we might be implicated a bit too by finding...
Pl. biscuit Clay that has been fired once but not glazed. Also called bisque2. Bread Breadth. Biscuit A small, flat, baked good which is either hard and crisp or else soft but firm; a cookie. Bread A piece of embroidery; a braid. Biscuit A small, usually soft and flaky bread, gener...
What does WOS mean? WOS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word which means “Waste Of Space”. It is used during chats and online conversations on forums, social networking sites and chat rooms. The Meaning of WOS WOS means “Waste Of Space”. ...
Buc Wheats was a cereal released by General Mills described as “corn flakes mixed with dark buckwheat” and glazed with maple. However, controversy erupted when General Mills replaced that maple glaze with honey instead. The productwas pulled from shelvesin 1982. ...
But I do appreciate them, even if with a glazed look of apprehension and lack of comprehension. It may not surprise you to learn that we have dog skulls in our vet anatomy museum, but you might be impressed by the selection! We have a case full of a diverse set of domestic breeds ...
That’s the main fucking thing given that Hip-Hop is a black art-form – amazing that you glazed over that section of the article. Also, how can this article be a “Stan rant” since I’m not a fan of Eminem and never was? Get your Eminem references correct, especially since you’...
·MEGOMy Eyes Glazed Over ·MOSMom Over Shoulder ·MUFFIN TOPFat spilling out over the top of pants ·NOHNew Overhauled ·O&OOver and Out ·OAOver Acting Over Achiever ·OAOOver And Out ·OBEOvercome By Events Out of Body Experience