What Does GGS Mean in a Text? home▸gaming terms▸GGS GGS means "Good Games." It is used by gamers at the end of a match or session to show sportsmanship, acknowledging that the games were enjoyable or well-played by all participants, regardless of the outcome. It's a way of expr...
· CPL Cyberathlete Professional League (gaming) Other terms relating to 'games': · AIMBOT Trageting script in games · EXP Experience points in games · GAMER Person who plays video games · GFWL Games For Windows Live · GGS Good Games · ORG Online Reality GamesOrganization · VNH Very...
Gamersuse GGA to mean "good game all." You might see this acronym used at the end of a well-fought multiplayer match, to congratulate all players on aGG. For example, at the end of a particularly intense game ofLeague of Legends(LoL), players might enter GGA in chat. This means that...
What Does GFG Mean in a Text?home▸gaming terms▸GFGGaming Slang for Newbies If you're new to gaming, then there is more to learn than just a game's moves and strategy. Gamers should also be familiar with gaming slang, which has around 200 terms in common usage, many of which ...
What Does GGWP Mean in a Text?home▸search g▸GGWPGGWP means "Good Game, Well Played." It is used to congratulate someone after any sort of game (e.g., a sports match, a board game or, especially, an online game), as well as more generally for having made a shrewd move in ...