And it is not always an easy interaction, as we see in the Garden of Gethsemane. This history of interaction can be explained as due to the immaturity and then growth of humanity, but there is no doubt that the evolution of the perception of the divine is what it looks like from the...
Lesson Three: The Gethsemane Prayer Lesson Four: Answered Prayer Principles of Prayer - REVIEW QUESTIONS Soul Winning Soul Winning - PREFACE Lesson 1: Basic Requisites To Soul Winning Lesson 2: The Message Of The Soul Winner Lesson 3: Soul Winning Scriptures Lesson 4: Simple Presentat...
The experience was an adventure in itself: the sides of the hole were sheer, rocky walls; the only way to get in was to jump off a platform (or via spread-eagle belly flops onto the water like the pre-frontal cortex-lite teenage boys in our group chose to do), and then scramble ba...
but rather knew of it. In those pre-flood times, there was an expanse of water, described in Genesis, that was above the earth, and it is this water that was used to make rain for forty days. People have been saying, “Oh I have heard of ...
What does Mark 14:38 mean? Jesus has just awakened Peter, James, and John who fell asleep while Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus has told them to "watch," meaning to pay close attention and avoid disaster. The verb tense used for "watch" and "pray" means that this ...