What doesG.A.Y.mean? G.A.Y.is abackronymforgaystanding forGood As You.It is meant totransform the historic use ofgayas a slur intoan expression of gayPride. Where does G.A.Y. come from? The termgayhas referred to someone who exhibits sexual desire or behavior toward a person or p...
What does GOMI mean? An acronym for “Get Off My Internets,” GOMI is a blog and message board notorious for its sharp and often cruel criticism of lifestyle bloggers.Where does GOMI come from? dailydot Brooklyn-based blogger and software developer Alice Wright founded GOMI (gomiblog.com...
5.you know whatyou know whoa thing or person that the speaker cannot or does not want to specify [Old Englishēow,dative and accusative ofgēye1; related to Old Saxoneu,Old High Germaniu,Gothicizwis] Usage: See atme1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
the test method resea the test result and d the test results bear the text does not con the thai rubber assoc the the thrushes they the theme of this pro the theme party the theme pavilions the then factory mang the theoretic study a the theories of marxi the theory and resear the theo...
Shut the fuck up! I can't believe she cracked the fuck up when the police were questioning her. Get the fuck out. Citation from "Chapter 4", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 1 Episode 4 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site. Citation from "Chapter 10...
straight up Definitions include: truthfully. on baby Definitions include: used when you need to get your point across. squawk Definitions include: to inform about a crime. dead *ss Definitions include: "serious"; "not lying". be straight-up Definitions include: to be truthful. swear down Defi...
What does I glow up mean? phrasal verb. If you say that someone glows up, you meanthat they become more mature, confident, and attractive. [US, informal] See full dictionary entry for glow. What should I do to glow up? Say positive affirmations every dayto help build good self-esteem...
Being woman- or man-aligned is not a watered-down version of being woman or man. Alignment does not make a nonbinary person less nonbinary. There are also nonbinary people who identify as being unaligned. What Do the Colors of the New Pride Flag Mean?
Senpai made its first appearance in Urban Dictionary back in 2004, when a user defined it as "an upperclassman." Other entries (a number of which mention anime and manga) have since been added; it's defined there variously as "someone older than you," "someone you look up to," "ment...
Although originally written as two words, “onto” is nowa one-word preposition used to mean “position on top of” something. As such, we might say: I climbed onto the wall to get a better view. What does onto me mean? be ˈonto somebody ...