The files show that the National Security Agency and its UK counterpart GCHQ have broadly compromised the guarantees that internet companies have given consumers to reassure them that their communications, online banking and medical records would be indecipherable to criminals or governments. The agencies...
GCI Global Commons Institute (UK) GCI Glial Cytoplasmic Inclusion (neurology) GCI Générale Continentale Investissements (French: Continental General Investments) GCI Guitar Center, Inc. (Delaware) GCI Great Coasters International (Sunbury, PA) GCI Glen Canyon Institute (Salt Lake City, UT) GCI Golf...
Lord Diplock in a case involving GCHQ : said this: “By ‘irrationality’ I mean what can by now be succinctly referred to as ‘Wednesbury unreasonableness’. This applies to a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person ...
Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Acronyms browser? ▲ GCRPS GCRR GCRRA GCRS GCRSA GCRT ...
The UK has also publicly stated that it is working on cyber defence and offence projects, and has vowed to strike back if attacked in this manner. In April 2018 the director of GCHQ confirmed that cyberattacks by British intelligence services supported operations against the terror group ISIS. ...
The Rhodes Scholarships and Cecil Rhodes' plan for a Federal World State Mind Control The Crackdown on "Terrorism" and the Internet United Nations [UN] The Order Of The Solar Temple The Knights Templars The coming Global Food Shortage The Black Nobility NSA/GCHQ/CSE and communications surveillance...
The UK has also publicly stated that it is working oncyber defence and offence projects, and has vowed tostrike back if attackedin this manner. In April 2018 the director of GCHQ confirmed that cyberattacks by British intelligence services supported operations against the terror group ISIS. ...