The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has the tombjust a few yards away from Golgotha, corresponding with the account of John the Evangelist: "Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid." KJV (John 19:41)...
What does atoned mean in the Bible? Theological usage of the term “atonement” refers toa cluster of ideas in the Old Testament that center on the cleansing of impurity (which needs to be done to prevent God from leaving the Temple), and to New Testament notions that “Christ died for o...
Christians through the centuries have found encouragement and comfort in the New Testament term Abba. What does Abba mean in the Bible and why have believers found it inspirational? We’ll explore the answers below. The word Abba occurs three times in the New Testament. It was first spoken by...
While we must be careful when interpreting numbers in the Bible, the most basic and safe claim to make about the number three in the Bible is that its regular appearance, especially in relation to the cross and resurrection, cannot be chance. So what does the number three mean in the Bible?
But what does it really mean that your body is a temple? In the Bible, the phrase comes from the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, as he asks, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from G...
Style Bible : From rejuvenated furniture to using what your garden growsLynn O'Rourke
Shortest chapter in the Bible to memorize If you’re looking to memorize an entire chapter of the Bible, here’s a great one to start with… Psalm 117 It has only two verses and in the ESV, it has 28 words. What does the shortest verse in the Bible, John 11:35, mean? It’...
Did God create disorder and chaos? What does it actually mean to be evil? And how do you tell your kids that in the Bible dragons are actually the “bad guys”? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Drago
Rather, we are guaranteed that the Maker will transform his world into the glorious place that it was intended to be when he first planted Adam in the garden. When the last day finally comes, we will not fly away to him, but Christ will return to us as indicated in Revelation 21 ...
In the very beginning, God formed the first man, Adam, out of the dust and set him over the Garden of Eden. But soon enough, God declared that “it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18, ESV). Adam needed Eve and the...