Misspelling of ganja. Last edited on Dec 15 2010. Submitted by Michelle from Winnipeg, MB, Canada on Sep 18 2004. + Add a definition for this slang term Share Tweet E-mail More info: Interactive stats: R Related words Usage Vulgarity SlangMap Related words Slang terms with the sam...
·GANJAMarijuana, pot, cannabis, weed ·GRASSMarijuana ·HASHMarijuana ·HAZEType of marijuana ·HYDROHydroponically grown marijuana ·JOINTRolled marijuana cigarette ·KUSHHigh grade marijuana ·LEAFMarijuana ·LIDOunce of marijuana ·LOUDGood quality marijuana ...
· GANJ Ganja, marijuana · GANJA Marijuana, pot, cannabis, weed · GRASS Marijuana · HASH Marijuana · HAZE Type of marijuana · HYDRO Hydroponically grown marijuana · JOINT Rolled marijuana cigarette · KUSH High grade marijuana · LEAF Marijuana · LID Ounce of marijuana · LOUD Good qualit...
So now you know - LOUD means "Good quality marijuana" - don't thank us. YW! What does LOUD mean? LOUD is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LOUD definition is given. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ...
How does the fiber content in kale and lettuce compare? Kale generally contains more fiber per serving than lettuce, contributing to better digestive health and a feeling of fullness. 5 Can kale and lettuce be grown at home easily? Both kale and lettuce can be grown in home gardens; kale ...
ganja Definitions include: marijuana. weed Definitions include: marijuana. shake Definitions include: loose marijuana leaf and stem pieces that settle to the bottom of a bag of marijuana. Dutchie Definitions include: a cone-shaped rolled marijuana cigarette. ...
By now, U.K. prime minister Theresa May’s response to terrorist attacks should be familiar: She and the Conservative party like to blame the Internet. Tragically, there have been three major terrorist attacks in the U.K. in less than three months’ time
That doesn’t mean the security of iOS 10 is compromised. But looking for flaws in this version of the operating system will be much easier, says Jonathan Levin, author of an in-depth book on the internal workings of iOS. “It reduces the complexity of reverse-engineeri...
Cannabis is known by names such as dope, pot, Mary Jane, chronic, ganja, Buddha, grass, marijuana, and weed, just to name a few. It is illegal in the vast majority of the U.S., although multiple states are now taking up the cause of ending the prohibition of the herb. Evidence ...
GanjaThere are many others but these are the most commonly used names.What does marijuana look like? The marijuana plant grows in many parts of the world such Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Morocco and Nepal. However it flourishes in any type of mild climate which includes the UK. This...