In Leslie Kohn’s ninth-grade humanities class, students work in small groups, discussing several texts about the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, a seminal event in U.S. history, which galvanized the labor movement and paved the way towards occupational safety standards. Kohn, though, is not ...
The Free Soil Party was a party founded in 1848 and dissolved into the Republicans in 1854. Its largest and primary political position was opposition to the expansion of slavery and in some cases opposition to the existence of slavery. As such it galvanized large elements of the population and...
It does not help that Markram made some rather intemperate comments below his lengthy statement in which he questions the value of studying climate denial, suggests that the authors of Recursive Fury look like “the biggest nutters” (presumably compared to climate deniers), and clearly implies t...
Biden with being a quick study, and for her knack for rallying far-flung stakeholders in and out of government. “You can already see the interest that’s been galvanized, the pace of change—it’s palpably different,” Dr. Mazure notes. “And, truly, that’s thanks to the first lady...
But Newsom’s COVID-19 restrictions and public relations snafus — like attending a posh dinner party unmasked in an enclosed space in violation of state protocols — may have galvanized Republicans and even some Democrats— to support his recall. Nevertheless, despite some frustration with Newsom...
"Rasmussen Report's poll that showed the overwhelming Republican underdog, Scott Brown, climbing to within single digits (nine points) of Martha Coakley. That poll, perhaps more than anything else, signaled that a possible upset was brewing and galvanized both the media and political worl...
Finally, the concern for bank distress and its implications for the larger economy have galvanized policymakers and bank regulators to enact rules and laws that require the separation of proprietary trading from the lending business. However, there are benefits from maintaining both businesses, as the...
Chrissy Chlapecka was one of the earliest pioneers of bimboism on TikTok. The doe-eyed, blonde-haired, pink-latex-clad, she/they viral superstar shot to prominence on the app in late 2020, at a time when US social media was galvanized by Black Lives Matter, the accelerating pandemic, and...