What does B diminished mean? The B diminished chord (B dim or B°) contains the notes B, D and F. It is produced by taking the 1st, flat 3rd and flat 5th notes of the B Major scale. ... The B diminished chord contains a tritone between the notes B and F. How do you know ...
Adding aninth noteto the dominant 7th chord creates adominant ninth chord: G B D F A Adding aneleventh noteto the dominant 9th chord creates a dominant eleventh chord: G B D F A C Adding athirteenth noteto the dominant 11th chord creates a dominant thirteenth chord: G B D F A C E...
Does this mean I can play in C ionian, but use the E phrygian mode of h-w-w-w-h-w-w ??? Bybitster— On Mar 10, 2009 Hi I think what he means is that modes are just different ways of playing the scale. I'm thinking of it like the scale is a planet and the modes are...