18.Whatdoes“Yourbodyhascloserelationswiththefoodyoueat”reallymean? A.Allkindsoffoodyoueatcanbemadeintoyourbody. B.Yourbodyismadeupofthefoodyoueat. C.Whatyoueathasagreateffectonyourhealth. 19.Whatdoestheoldsayingtellus? A.Theappleisthebestamongallkindsoffruits. B.Applescantaketheplaceofdoctors....
diseases .Now with antibiotics , alot o fthese diseases can be cured easily .However ,we need to be carefu labout how we us eantibiotic sbecause i fwe do no tuse them correctly ,they can caus eserious health problems.(DNA DNA i sthe building block o flife and was discovered in ...
Does the presence of elements not related to advertising and overlaid on the advertising content (non-ad items' presence) affect visual attention and time to notice associated with key ad elements (e.g., brand and product) during the view of the YouTube 15-s, mid-roll, non-skippable in...