What does cryptic mean in a sentence? 1 :secret, occult. 2a : having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : mysterious cryptic messages cryptic prophecies. b : marked by an often perplexing brevity cryptic marginal notes. 3 : serving to conceal cryptic coloration in animals also...
where, i = parental genotype, i = 1 to 14; SFHS = the halfsib family performance of parent i crossed with genotypes from the other subspecies; SS = if parent i is a sativa, then SS = within-subspecies halfsib mean; if parent i is a falcata, then SS = SSC mean; FF--if parent...
As for vegetarians and vegans in Argentina, that’s a tough one. Doable, but tough. By tough, I mean it might be difficult to actually taste anything distinctly Argentine. Except maybe for empanadas. However, with empanadas, most people probably don’t realize that even though the filling ma...