George Herman Ruth, Jr.)was born 06 February 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. His parents were of German ancestry. His father George Herman Ruth Sr. held many jobs from salesman to streetcar operator and eventually opened a saloon in which the young George (Babe) was exposed to the seedier sid...
what was devouring Europe. She stayed on to help friends and then soon strangers as well find refuge. After the fall of Pairs that summer of 1940 her villa in the hills above Monaco became a meeting place for young men and women of the Resistance against the German occupation and the Vich...
Referents with a topical or focused status have been shown to be preferable antecedents in real-time resolution of pronouns. However, it remains unclear regarding whether topicality and focus compete for prominence when co-present in the same narrative,
c Development of the relative relevance of different game objects in Atari Breakout over the training time. Relative relevance is the mean relevance of pixels belonging to the object (ball, paddle, tunnel) divided by the mean relevance of all pixels in the frame. Thin lines: six training runs...
SAILOR: That word you said in your prophecy…nehepachet? What does it mean? JONAH: “overthrown.” SAILOR: Is that all? JONAH: It can also mean “turned upside down.” SAILOR: That makes sense. Can’t it also mean, “transformed”? JONAH: Yes. I guess it can. SAILOR: So your pro...
Need of the nose for individually fragrant impressions, smells, and aromas; strong effect on subconscious: smells activate memories and associated ideas Mouth hunger What can I perceive in the mouth? How much (more) of this food does my mouth want me to eat? The mouth's need for diverse ...
Medical students report high stress levels and in particular, the clinical phase is a demanding one. The field of medicine is still described as having a patriarchal culture which favors aspects like a physicians’ perceived certainty and rationalism. Al
Other forms of peer tutoring are peer assisted learning (PAL) (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2005), same-age peer tutoring (Miquel & Duran, 2017) and cross age peer tutoring which refers to tutoring in which older students from a higher academic level provide guidance and support to their younger peers ...
But what exactly does it mean for foods, diets or food consumption (henceforth 'food consumption') to be cultur- ally appropriate? How is cultural appropriateness of food consumption established, maintained and changed? And how might efforts to ensure cultural appropriateness shape sustainable food ...
Genome editing offers revolutionized solutions for plant breeding to sustain food production to feed the world by 2050. Therefore, genome-edited products a