Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition CPSDCambridge Public School District(Cambridge, MA) CPSDContingency Planning and Support Division(US FEMA) CPSDConsumer Protection and Safety Division CPSDClover Park School District(Washington) CPSDCryptologic Systems Division(US Air Force; Lackland, TX) ...
What does ‘nature positive’ mean? The term nature positive sounds good, but its meaning remains unclear in the context of the CBD. There are various definitions for nature positive, all variations on this one: Nature-positive is the term used to describe a world where nature – species...
flying a set of Grumman AA-1B Trainers. On a very warm, cloudless and nearly windless evening in June, my best friend of many years and I were out gallivanting around Lake Winnepesaukee. My friend had just been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force and was headed to Will...
I agree a CF of 12:1 is really very poor value for money. However, the overall tax situation should not be overlooked. As I read the numbers given above (for age 60 retirement) if DH does not take the PCLS from his DB scheme (FSS & CARES) his SIPP will become what I call a ...
$.error( 'Method "' + method + '" does not exist in dropit plugin!'); } } $.fn.dropit.defaults = { action: 'click', // The open action for the trigger submenuEl: 'ul', // The submenu element triggerEl: 'a', // The trigger element triggerParentEl: 'li', // The trigger...
By nucleation of holes, we mean the quasi-reversible detachment of an initial number of flat monomers from a flat cluster and their random intercalation with the water molecules on top of the BLM. In other words, a hole is just a flat monomer that, upon detachment from a flat cluster, ...
MLAMean Line of Advance MLAMarket Level Adjustment MLAMicrowave Link Analyzer MLAMac Liberation Army MLAMultilevel Access MLAManeuver Limited Altitude(aviation) MLAMonochrome Lens Assembly MLAMunitions Logistics Authority MLAMinimum Look Angle MLAMilitary Liaison Assistant(Congress) ...
“It will require as it always does negotiations with our programs clients”. “In this case, I had to persuade the airport company to look more after the issue, even though it is true that the airport company always demonstrate to be sensitive to safety and willing to spend money if need...
The 44BP molecule inherently has a low MDM (3.18D for the asymmetric unit and 2.20 and 2.01D for the individual molecules) due to the inherent symmetry and as a result does not contribute significantly to the MDM. The lack of change in polarisation between the 44BP molecules in (2) and...
mLMean Life(atomic clock reliability) mLMaterial Loss(corrosion) mLMemory Load mLMulti Language mLMuslim League mLMeta Language mLMaturity Level mLMalay Language mLMachine Language mLMotor Launch mLMet-Life(insurance) mLMissile Launch(US Air Force) ...