live frugally yī kào jiē jì dù rì 依靠接济度日 rely on financial assistance to maintain oneself dù rì rú nián 度日如年 one day seems like a year yǐ rú cǐ dī wēi de gōng zī tā rú hé dù rì 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?
“Yes, I know this is not eco or part of being self sufficient but I want a new big house and I would rather it had a lower impact on the climate and resources.” For me it does not add up. Don’t get me wrong. I am not honest in what I/we do either. Any regulars will n...
What does it mean when resources are described as scarce? It means that the resources are rare, limited, or not enough to meet the demand. 12 Can "scarce" and "scarcely" be used interchangeably? No, they cannot be used interchangeably as "scarce" is an adjective describing rarity or insuf...
As foreigners are generally paid higher than the average middle-class worker across China, you can choose to live like royalty if saving money is not a priority for you. However, even living frugally will generally still allow you to splurge and treat yourself here and there. Further Reading ...
For instance, one of Mr. Money Mustache’s most popular posts is Getting Rich: From Zero to Hero in One Blog Post. Thetopicis getting rich, and theadviceis to live simply and frugally on half of what you make. If I were to write a post on the same topic, I would talk about gett...
#1: Take the conventional approach on steroids. Live much more frugally, spend a lot less, save much more, invest riskier, work longer – and try to do it all smarter to further ratchet up your returns. #2: Do something different. Start a business, take a more active approach to gettin...
In our culture buying a house and car early is important as someone ( I mean men) who does that is considered “successful” . Everything else is secondary. Initial 5 years I saved most of my salary to buy those 2 things.Hence I had very little capital to invest. I finally bought my...
风格简约 simple style synonym jiǎn dān简单 antonym fán fù繁复fán suǒ烦琐 2 adj.frugal chī fàn jiǎn yuē 吃饭简约 eat frugally shēng huó jiǎn yuē 生活简约 live a frugal life antonym pū zhāng铺张 3 adj.reduced jiǎn yuē fāng chéng ...
What does Live mean? Live means to remain alive or describes something happening in real time. 6 How do you use Live in a sentence? "I live in San Francisco." 5 What fields commonly use the word Live? Broadcasting, music, everyday speech. 4 Do Life and Live have the same root? Yes...
Well, not everyone can play in the NBA either, but that doesn’t mean you can’t join a pickup league. The principles of FIRE work for everyone. Live frugally, save, invest, and have multiple income streams. Not everyone can achieve FIRE, but everyone can improve their financial situation...