What does ovulation feel like? For some people, ovulation might not feel like anything. For others, ovulation can feel like mild cramping on one or both sides of the lower abdomen or severe pain in that area (13). Some people experience other symptoms such as breast soreness, increased libi...
That was also obvious in his statement about wanting everything that Kim Sabu has; he does not understand that Doldam and it's people are not things you take, they are relationships that exist because of the love and loyalty between people. And I am not impressed about how he suddenly ...
It does not mean I am pain free. I have not had any relief from my symptoms in well over two years. Unforetunately, my life cannot stop because of RA – I still have to work, finish up my masters, and take care of my family – and anything else that pops up. 😀 The ...
the money, and escapes to London. where she meets au only faintly spurious Polish Count who icks her up when she has fallen off a bus - "I wasn't use$ to having the bus start before people were safely off it and it ,leapt fmm under me." Does this happen to us all in London?