What Do Economists Mean with the R-Word?Journal Record, the
13. Always (and I mean ALWAYS) check to see if you need an tourist visa to enter a country before your trip. Or the plane might leave without you. I learned this the hard way when I attempted to board the plane to Dubai last year and found out that a random diplomatic dispute betwe...
takes the money, and escapes to London. where she meets au only faintly spurious Polish Count who icks her up when she has fallen off a bus - "I wasn't use$ to having the bus start before people were safely off it and it ,leapt fmm under me." Does this happen to us all in Lon...
The 8-Year Period QSW The 8-year period QSW formed by second baroclinic mode Kelvin and Rossby waves appears to be a subharmonic of the quadrennial QSW [11]. Its amplitude is lower than that of the quadrennial QSW and it does not reach the easternmost part of the basin; therefore, its...