What does Eire mean? What is fiat money in India? What is an independent republic? Is the Republic of Ireland part of the British Isles? What is a parliamentary republic? Does the Republic of Ireland want Northern Ireland? What continent is Ireland on?
but it cannot remove the soul and its transcendence from the structure of reality.” The flight from reality cannot last forever. It will surely fail. We can help make sure it does by something as simple as telling the truth
s going on there, there are all kinds of incentives to, so here are a couple of things to chew on: most of the Bitcoin mining that occurs happens in China (which means anyone who controls it ultimately controls the blockchain), and China already has more billionaires than the USA does....
Let us bring into this infantile focus the rays of Catholic unity. (Loud cheering and Kentish fire.) To me, for one, it would be eminently painful to think--what doubtless would occur if the motion is adopted--that within a week of his entrance into the asylum of the society named in...
They know the emperor is naked. They watched the news on January 6. They either like it that way, as Trump’s base does, or they don’t care overly much, as swing voters ultimately did not. Never Trumpers reminding them of it incessantly anyway—surely you’re not going to reelect ...
Herbert Spencer expressed this asthe Law of Equal Freedom. Malatesta concurs, pointing out that anarchism supports“freedom for everybody … with the only limit of the equal freedom for others; which doesnotmean … that we recognise, and wish to respect, the ‘freedom’ to exploit, to oppres...
Paco does such a great job of addressing the things we can control about money. And she also does a great job acknowledging that there is much that’s out of our control. This is certainly true when it comes to dignity, as well. We can do a lot for ourselves to ensure a dignified ...
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in pla...
All of the above does not mean that the Inland Empire is going to participate, far from it. Those areas not on the hot list will go nowhere. In the meantime, the traditional middle class is being utterly hollowed out. In a world of vast money printing — they don’t ...
takes the money, and escapes to London. where she meets au only faintly spurious Polish Count who icks her up when she has fallen off a bus - "I wasn't use$ to having the bus start before people were safely off it and it ,leapt fmm under me." Does this happen to us all in Lon...