How do I find my newest Fetch offers in the app? To find the newest Fetch offers available to you: Go to the “Discover” tab by tapping the Home icon in the bottom left corner of the app. To the right of “For you,” tap the arrow (>) button. Tap “Most recent.” You will...
Does your app need a user authentication method? Do you want users to access their information across multiple devices? Will your users consume the content you create via an app? If you answered any one of the questions in a “Yes,” then you surely need a mobile app backend. You’d ha...
I'm hungry and it'shoursuntil dinner.我饿了,离晚饭还有很长的时间呢。 在美式英语中,“go to do/go and do”结构中的to和and常被省略。 I’llgo fetcha hammer.我去拿一把锤子。 Go washyour hands before lunch.午餐前去洗手。 try on:to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you...
E: Failed to fetch Error: kernel is not update Kernel not updated. Possible cause 1: The server is not restarted after the vulnerability is fixed. Solution: Restart the server. After a kernel vulnerability is fixed, you need to restart the server for the fix to take effect. Otherwise, the...
Why would application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:) behave differently based on if it is ran when the app is already running, vs not running and started by the system? Is there anything I can do on my side to make it more reliable? Answered by Engineer in 806333022 ...
huon Apr ’22 I know this is old, but I wanted to share my solution. I was using requests-oauthlib (python library) to fetch the token. I had to pass include_client_id=True in the call to OAuth2Session.fetch_token(). 0 Copy huon answer ...
For instance, use cursor.execute() for queries that don’t return results and cursor.fetchall() for those that do. Not Closing Connections: Error: Excessive connections or resource exhaustionSolution: Always close your connection after operations to free up resources. Implement the below statement ...
I don't understand what this code is doing at all, except that the second argument in setdefault() is referring to my app's file. What is DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE? What does it do? Why is it passed in as an arg in setdefault()? And what does django.setup() d...
1.Do you know her younger sister?2.I got home after dark yesterday.3.Bill always does very well at school.4.What pet do you keep?5.There were some students reading in the classroom then.6.Amy always helps her mother after school....
Fixed not being able to fetch the list of TTS voices when using a custom endpoint. Fixed embedded TTS re-initializing for every speak request when the voice is specified by a short name. Fixed the API reference documentation for the max duration of RecognizeOnce audio. Fixed error handling ar...