Feeble-minded; foolish. Tough Rowdy or rough. A bunch of the tough boys from the wrong side of the tracks threatened him. Simple Structurally uncomplicated. Tough (of questions, etc.) Difficult or demanding. This is a tough crowd. Simple Consisting of one single substance; uncompounded. Tough...
What Shall the Public Schools Do for the Feeble-Minded?Guy Pratt Davis
adj.feeble-minded; mentally-deficient; mentally retarded tā shì yī míng ruò zhì ér tóng 他是一名弱智儿童。 He is a retarded child. nǐ shì ruò zhì ma 你是弱智吗? Are you a retarded child? tā shì yī míng ruò zhì zhě ...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 把持不定 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 把持不定 is be week-willed; be feeble-minded .
As far back as the late 18th century, there were those who asserted that the survival of humankind relied on the eradication of genetic weaknesses by ensuring particular groups, including the ‘feeble-minded’ (i.e. those with learning difficulties), did not procreate (Garton, 2010). ...
Like if assume that if you are playing an rpg like this game, everyone would be considered a RP. But there seems to be a difference were people talk as if it's a different way to play. What do they mean by RP? Technically everyone is role playing, so i don't exactly get what pe...
How does toughness relate to durability? Toughness is a measure of how well a material can resist breaking under stress, contributing to its durability. 7 What does it mean for a person to have a tough personality? It means they are seen as emotionally resilient and capable of handling diffic...
“hysterical,” those who identified as gay, women that engaged in premarital or extra-marital sex, and people who were termed “feeble-minded.”In an era when racist ideologies flourished hand in hand with pseudoscience, the discretionary category of “feeble-minded,” primarily imposed on poor...
What does RP(role player) mean. Maintenance for the week of February 24: • PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24123Next Leave a ReplyDanteVFenris ✭✭✭ Like if assume that if you are playing an rpg like this game, everyone would be considered a RP. But there seems to be...
Einstein famously said "God does not play dice with the universe." Catherine Giordano What Was Einstein’s Religion? Einstein turned his brilliantly analytical mind to the concept of religion and created his own religion. He rejected the idea of the “God of Abraham” but found some parts of...