What Does The Name Fauci Mean? - Names.org --- Dear RM Agents and Readers, I'm way off being anti science but am very anti BS science like the CDC,Fauci,NIH ect. have been giving us on purpose for crazy making. It is in some of the CIA documents to create an unstable thought p...
and evidence-based subject matter experts are dismissed as propagators of myths and often demonised for telling the truth (for example Dr Fauci). It is perhaps tempting to think that the over 232,000 people whose COVID deaths were preventable might have changed their minds in their last few ...
It does not fight wars overseas. It almost exclusively concerns itself with the American people on American soil. That the DHS is contracting to buy 450 million rounds of hollow point ammo can only mean DHS plans to need this ammo to be used against the American people.Do the math: That'...
Ten years ago, I published a peer-reviewed article with Florida State University professor Jeffrey Lacasse entitled,What Does It Mean for an Intervention to “Work”?—where we explored different factors that went into a scientific article claiming a health intervention was “effective” or “succes...
Come November and December, a familiar fight breaks out in media circles: Is there a "war on Christmas," causing people to replace "Merry Christmas" with more neutral holiday greetings—and if there is, what does it mean? This modern political debate got its fuel and its name from a book...
Fauci has stressed, and official recommendations are likely to change in the coming months. What does immunocompromised mean, exactly? You may be wondering what kinds of health conditions or chronic illnesses affect immune systems effectively that you're officially considered 'immunocompromised' by ...
Re: WHY DO YOU DREAM AND WHAT DO YOUR DREAMS MEAN? I dreamed I was checking out of hospital, which is strange, because typically that is someplace avoided at all costs. Fauci was my direct doctor, and he was giving me the talk they give when you get released. He said that they were...
How does chlorine bleach work? Can water go bad? Frequently Asked Questions How does the pH level of a pool affect chlorine's effectiveness? The effectiveness of chlorine depends on the pool's pH level, with an ideal range between 7 and 8 ensuring that hypochlorous acid, the more effective...
Speaking of pardons, Republicanshave criticizedsome ofBiden's preemptive pardonsissued before just leaving office, which included officials involved in COVID-19 policies like Dr. Anthony Fauci, officials involved in the Jan. 6 investigation like former Rep. Liz Cheney, andmembers of his own family...
she added that there is more work to be done to determine the clinical relevance of the study. "We still don't know what that means for transmissibility," she says. "In other words, just because you find the virus on surfaces or bodily secretions does not mean that it is a live virus...