Nearly 3 in 10 kids today are growing up in a separated family, and more than 80% of those kids live primarily with their moms — 20 million of us. This doesnotmean that the other parent / father is MIA, or does not want to be involved, or is not a 50% parent, or has fought ...
And even in the year 2020, that generally doesn't mean miracle cures or medical breakthroughs. Having a devastating genetic diagnosis means learning to live with uncertainty. It means learning that you and your diagnosis are not the worst thing that could happen. Learning to live with uncertainty...
You may be thinking, "But don't antidepressants prove that depression does exist? I mean, when you treat an illness with a drug and you get better, doesn't that prove that you were ill in the first place?" No, it doesn't.
20. to be sufficient to constitute: One story does not make a writer. 21. to be adequate or suitable for: This table will make a good lectern. 22. to assure the success or fame of: to make someone's reputation. 23. to deliver; utter: to make a stirring speech. 24. to move at...
24,fathom: measure the depth of; get to the bottom of, understand thoroughly,para. 27,given: (past participle of give: adjective) acc 33、ustomed, as from habit or inclination; prone; disposed or inclined given to lying taboo: any social prohibition or restriction that results from ...
Musk’s obsession marks only the latest chapter in the kaleidoscopic history of the letterX—a letter that, over the course of its unfathomably long existence, has attracted symbolisms like nails to a magnet and grown to become the most versatile, most captivating letter in human civilization....
Google spends plenty of hours and more money than you can fathom preventing people from gaming the system. Be consistent: Consistency is extremely important in SEO and social media. If you post once every three months, not only will social media algorithms hate you, but there won’t be ...
, I can't fathom what this would mean in a program. Does anyone know a better way to think about either this definition or another one? (Edit 1: Yes, camccann.) Edit 1: Thanks to camccann's answer (more particularly, the comments he left on it to help me out), I t...
than was seen in the past. This is not to say you will be bored… but you will possibly find yourself a lot less exhausted than you would have been on previous trips. This does not by any means mean we are doing less… it just means we have learned to do things a little different...
The_Discovery_of_What_It_Means_to_Be_an_American(1) 作为美国人的意义 TheDiscoveryofWhatItMeanstoBeanAmerican JamesBaldwin BackgroundKnowledge Author:JamesBaldwin(鲍德温)JamesBaldwin JamesBaldwin(1924-1987),anAmericannegrowriter,borninHarlem,livedmuchofhislifeinNewYorkCity.Heishailedasoneofthegreat...