Ewa Waniek-KlimczakArkadiusz RojczykAndrzej PorzuczekSpringer International PublishingWaniek-Klimczak, Ewa, Rojczyk, Arkadiusz and Andrzej Porzuczek. 2015. `Polglish'in Polish Eyes: What English Studies Majors Think About Their Pronunciation in English. In Teaching and Researching the Pronunciation ...
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doi:10.1007/s00520-020-05480-3Kalicińska, ElbietaKuszczak, BartomiejDbski, JakubSzukalski, ukaszWtek, MarzenaStrzaa, JudytaRybka, JustynaCzy, JarosawLech-Marańda, EwaZaucha, JanSupportive Care in Cancer
Hematological malignancies in Polish population: what are the predictors of outcome in patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit?We have demonstrated that ICU and in-hospital mortalities among patients with hematological malignancies are still poor, but easier access to the intensive care unit and close...