What does this symbol actually mean_ - 这个符号的真正含义是什么 04:11 What happens when you remove the hippocampus_ - 当你移除海马体时会发生什么 05:26 What gives a dollar bill its value_ - 是什么赋予了一美元纸币价值 03:52 What happens when continents collide_ - 当大陆架碰撞时会发生...
Traditionally bases have a bitter taste while acids are sour, but in chemistry, the definitions have evolved so that substances are either bases or acids using their chemical properties. This classification is important because acids and bases can react to form salts, and they are the basis of ...
What does that all mean, concretely, for my work? I imagine that question will consume me for a while! Right now, I am driven to use improvement research methods to prioritize outcomes that serve to improve students’ comfort, agency, and dignity in schools. For example, in a previous pro...
Naturally, I don’t mean that I won’t continue to obsess and discuss. Please. In fact, I’m going to take advantage of my current rewatch and finally post a couple of personal top ten lists. But from here on out, where 1013 goes, I can’t follow. Not on the screen, anyway. I...
Working so hard to keep it in an object Either owned, or unownable But it fights back Slips through the cracks Gets caught on canvas In the strings & horns of desire How hard we men have tried to Keep it manifest in women’s curves ...
Modern elephants retain much of their coastal heritage: they are impressive multi-mile swimmers; one theory even says the trunk first evolved as a snorkel! Some the elephant’s ancestors followed a different path — one that did not return to the land. The fully aquatic manatee is, in an ...
It seems reasonable to expect chemistry to provide an unambiguous definition The meaning of an ‘element’ is a favourite topic for argument among off-duty chemists. We agree (right?) that hydrogen is an element – but what do we mean by that? Is molecular hydrogen gas an element? Or the...
What Does Difference Engine Mean? The Difference Engine is a machine designed by Charles Babbage in the early 1800s. It was designed to calculate values in polynomial equations, which it did by combining several mechanical adding machines together. Advertisements Techopedia Explains Difference Engine ...
I didn’t always excel, and sometimes truly disappointed (cough that ‘D’ in one semester of chemistry, cough), but that was on me. I had fun, too. Too much fun. Second, I had influential academic mentors. In undergraduate education and research at the University of Wisconsin, from ...
What does defects in the complement system mean? What is a triple bond? What does oxytocin stimulate? What is antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis? Which system, the alternative or classical complement cascade, evolved first? What is biodiversity offsetting?