aFurthermore, because a high level of drive should inhibit the learning of new material while facilitating the performance of well-mastered responses, the use of less purely evaluative testing might be desirable in the former case but not in the latter. 此外,因为高级驱动应该禁止得知新的材料,当...
Whatdoes‘capitalist’meantoyou?Reference,andSense Onemaypointtotheobjectthewordstandsfor Reference:whatalinguisticformreferstointhephysicalworld;therelationshipbetweenthelinguisticelementandthenon-linguisticworldofexperience.Describetheobjectas“apieceoffurniturewithaflattopandfourlegs,atwhichonereadsandwrites...
So what we find is that high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies have high testosterone and low cortisol, and powerful and effective leaders also have high testosterone and low cortisol. So what does that mean? When you think about power, people tended to think only about testosterone, be...
An institution may have a stated teaching load (e.g., 2:2, meaning two courses each semester), but what does it mean? Does a lab taught with a lecture course count as a separate course, or is it bundled with the lecture course and credited as one teaching assignment? Is there any ...
The- ory θa, t0 can be considered falsified if such language aids the reader, but might not seem to be so since and/or T still contain (or permit) θa, t0 -like theories, namely θa, t1 . Notwith- standing, a theory that does not, or cannot, react at all to such events is...
Does this mean that “the matrix” is to be encouraged? 7.5. Responsibility Who is responsible for our wellbeing? This question underpins the relationship between machines and humans. The answer is us. We must keep responsibility for our wellbeing and ourselves. Besides, what influences our ...
What does annotate mean in writing? Writing Annotations An annotation isa brief note following each citation listed on an annotated bibliography. The goal is to briefly summarize the source and/or explain why it is important for a topic. They are typically a single concise paragraph, but might ...
“If I do … then … happens”. In these cases, it can be assumed that an activity of the agent does not occur unintentionally or automatically (and is observed and reported like any arbitrary mental event or state) but arises as a direct consequence of a conscious intention or attempt (...
What does it mean to make an assertion? : theact of asserting orsomething that is asserted: such as. a : insistent and positive affirming, maintaining, or defending (as of a right or attribute) an assertion of ownership/innocence. b : a declaration that something is the case He presented...
So many training efforts focus on wowing learners during the training. 24 hours later, you can ask those same learners what they learned and they will have forgotten most of it. According to Kohn apparently 70% of all training is forgotten after a day. What does this mean for your strategy...