While ESL specifically refers to English language education in countries where English is the native language, ESOL has a more inclusive scope and is often used in global contexts with international students. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and the choice of terminology can depend on...
What does EFL stand for? EFL is an acronym that stands forEnglish as a Foreign Language.While confusingly similar to “ESL”, this term is usually used when referring to English language education in countries where English is not the official language (most of the world). Students in this ...
What does it mean "__to insert culture into the education, instead of inserting education into the culture"__? Describe some cultural differences in how English language learners experience cultural contact in the educational contexts of student interactions and problem-...
One context where autonomy can be difficult to foster is for learners studying English one-to-one in their homes with volunteer tutors, as happens in New Zealand through the National Association of ESOL HomeTutor Schemes. A number of lectors contribute to the difficulty of sharing the 'power'...
As EFL teachers and other English teachers have always known, telling a child or a struggling ESOL student or a perplexed speaker of another language, that English only has two tenses, the past and the non-past, is likely to result in instant demotivation, total perplexity, if not bemused ...
What does it mean "__to insert culture into the education, instead of inserting education into the culture"__? What is the structured input method of teaching English grammar, and how can it be used in class? What are some things an...
OK, now does anyone have any questions? Task Type 4 – Form, Note, aTble, Flow-chart, Summary Completion In this task type, you will be given a form, a set of notes, a table, a summary, or a flow-chart and you will need to fill in the missing information based on the ...
( )1.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“curb”inParagraph3meaninChinese? A.产生 B.控制 C.保护 D.引起 ( )2.Whichofthefollowingquestionsisansweredinthepassage? A.Whenwillallthecarsbereplaced(代替)byelectricones? B.WhatisShenzhen?sgoalofdealingwithairpollution? C.How manykindsofanimalsarethereinMaozhouRiver...
To officially get a work permit you should have a Bach Deg &TEFL Cert. does that mean(as non native speaker friends of mine have found out) that you can't work in China if you want to teach Pre-school or Primary ESL!? Its a joke Maybe...
了解课程 家长 01 02 商务课程 TESOL Advanced Program TEFL Certification Requirements Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a unique career choice for anybody who would like a career that involves world travel and learning about new cultures, all while helping people in other countries ma...