What Does EREV Mean in a Text?home▸EV terms▸EREVThe Quick Answer EREV means "Extended Range Electric Vehicle." More Observations... An EREV (or E-REV) is a type of plug-in electric vehicle (EV) that is powered by an electric motor, but which uses a small petrol or diesel ...
erev – the day immediately preceding a holiday (or Sabbath). Really, it means “night.” Like, think “the night before xmas.” That kind of concept. The crunch time right before the holy time. Erev Shabbos– literally, the Sabbath Eve. Practically, it means Friday day. fleishig– meat...
Does Judaism believe that people have free will? What does “free will” really mean, according to Judaism? Where does the Torah mention free will? The Jewish G-d: What’s He Like? G-d: Judge or Teacher? My response to a letter I received which said: “The traditional Jewish G-d ...
I report simulations in which adaptive learners of the kind studied in Roth & Erev (1995, 1998) and Borgers & Sarin (1997, 2000) deal with a problem of repeated choice under risk where alternatives differ by a mean preserving spread. The simulations show that adaptive learning induces (on ...
Instead of diving into those issues directly, however, a little historical perspective is in order first — and it's amaz- ing in itself that a technology as new as GPS in the public eye would actually have a history to reflect upon, but it does. I should emphasize up front that this...
This chapter was written to clarify the basics of problem or pathological gambling (PG) as an idea and also to establish its existence. Controversies over the reality of mental disorders are especially poignant when behavioral addictions are at issue. We discuss evidence for PG based upon harm, ...
She has embraced — and been lovingly embraced by — the community of Temple Beth Shalom of Vero Beach, which I currently serve as interim rabbi. She does weights, Pilates, plays tennis (her overhead is better than mine as she does not hesitate to point out), and cheerfully endures lots...
I report simulations in which adaptive learners of the kind studied in Roth & Erev (1995, 1998) and B6rgers & Sarin (1996, 1997) deal with a problem of iterated choice under risk where alternatives differ by a mean preserving spread. The simulations show that adaptive learning induce (on ...
Viewing 𝑠̲−𝑖s¯−i as the behaviour of an inanimate object, the agent learns about 𝑆′−𝑖S−i′ but it is limited in that 𝑠̲′−𝑖s¯−i′ does not have any sophisticated internal causal structure. In this interpretation, the agent only learns through ...
As the Theil decomposition shows, the observed decline of regional disparities in the EU as a whole does not necessarily mean that disparities also decline within member states. Table 2 displays the evolution of the Theil index calculated separately for the regions of the EU member states. ...