You’ve all but forgotten about it when suddenly you see an envelope from your insurance company in your mailbox. What the heck is this thing? A bill? What does it mean? Not to worry – it’s not a bill. It’s your Explanation of Benefits, or EOB. Whether you’re new to having...
What does Superbill mean? The list of services you obtained from a healthcare provider is displayed in a superbill. You might have to give your insurance provider a superbill to get paid for services. The procedure for receiving and submitting a superbill should be discussed with the insuranc...
The billing team enters the charges for the claim in a medical billing system or on a CMS-1500/UB-04 form. Then, in the provider’s EHR, the team creates the claim and sends it electronically or via paper to the clearinghouse (insurance may be government or commercial payers). The clea...
This is why you need to be sure that the code included in a medical report is from the current revision. If not, you may experience problems with billing or claims. Elements of the ICD-Code: What They Mean ICD-10 codes consist of up to seven characters that classify medical diagnoses in...
Looking up ICD 10 codes can help you understand health care-related billing issues. Here is a quick reference guide to ICD-10 codes and what they mean.