To enumerate is defined as to mention things one by one or to make clear the number of things. An example of enumerate iswhen you list all of an author's works one by one. ... A spokesperson enumerated the strikers' demands. What does numerate mean in business? :having the ability to...
1994. "The 1990 Census Count of American Indians: What Do the Numbers Really Mean?" Social Science Quarterly 75: 580-93. . Forthcoming. "Does It Matter How We Measure? Racial Classification and the Char- acteristics of Multiracial Youth." In The New Race Question, edited by J. Perl...
The surname 'Martin' was the 20th most common surname enumerated in the 2010 United States Census. There were 702,625 people with the last name Martin in the U.S. in 2010.Answer and Explanation: The surname Martin is an English name. It developed from the words maer which meant 'lake'...
(statistics) A group of units (persons, objects, or other items) enumerated in a census or from which a sample is drawn. Sample (business) A small piece of some goods, for determining quality, colour, etc., typically given away for free. Population (computing) The act of filling initiall...
A“de jure” census tallies people according to their regular or legal residence, whereas a“de facto” census allocates them to the place where enumerated—normally where they spend the night of the day enumerated. Who has the power in de jure government?
This group constituted 72 percent of all households in census year 1920 [computed from data in Carter, Gartner, Haines, Olmstead, Sutch, and Wright (2006, vol. 1, p. 660), contribution of Susan Brower and Steven Ruggles]. Given that the survey families must also have at least one child...
Effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, group health plans and health insurance issuers may not, with respect to non-grandfathered coverage, establish eligibility rules based on certain enumerated health-status-related factors with respect to an individual or a dependent (e...
Effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, group health plans and health insurance issuers may not, with respect to non-grandfathered coverage, establish eligibility rules based on certain enumerated health-status-related factors with respect to an individual or a dependent (e...